I can finally post this...
The tomato hat! No actually the news is this...are you sitting down? I happened to have turned 37 in June and have found out that I am pregnant. Crazy stuff! My daughter is 15 and I am going to have another baby. Just when I was celebrating the fact that we have 3 years of High School left. Who would have thought! The pregnancy is only a semi- secret. So shh! Don't tell! Just kidding...we have told our immediate families and I am sure the news is spreading fast. It has taken me a couple of weeks to get use to this but obviously I have...I am already knitting for the little bean! Wonder what else I will finish!
On the rest of the knitting front:
I got package from my "No sheep" buddy! How cool...the lovely blue-green is Hemp! I have never felt hemp this soft.
It is Hempathy (34% Hemp 41% Cotton, and 25% Modal) so cool...and Yes, I have decided to use this to make ME something! (I know I am being a bit selfish...but heck, I am pregnant!)
The White yarn is from HABU Textiles and is 100% silk...and again so soft. Amazing color...again..I think something for me...There was also a little something extra in my great package, but it managed to escape the pictures.
I have been so lucky with my buddy Jean! She has been great sending packages...
I am a bit sad about my SP10...I had a couple of messages left on my blog but that has been about it. But it has not stopped me from signing up for SP11. I have had such a blast sending packages to my buddy in Germany. It was a challenge to make sure that I found goodies that were not German made already. I was lucky as a teenager and gotto spend a summer as an exchange student in Germany, before the wall came down...Anyhow, i love sock yarn and have a tendancy to buy German...so sending to Tina has been fun. I did screw up my dates a bit so I still have a package to go out. I had to re-ship my last one as it came back to me with a bit of damage. Learned a lesson there!
Ok, better run and enjoy my quiet time!
Life is not well on the sock front. I went to a Volleyball tourney with my daughter's team...took my knitting (Like all good knitters would)...left my half completed Cider Moon "Buckeye Blast" Sock...It was the second one! UGH! I am so flaky these days...but now I have an excuse! But the good news is I am almost finished with my Sockapolooza socks! Yippee! Now as long as I do not leave it laying around....